Covid 19 Virus

The statement below from the Auckland Branch committee has been partly superceded by a statement from the National committee, which appears on the Events & Runs page.

We are living in unprecedented times!
As your committee, we have discussed and debated what we should do to keep our members safe and to do our part to try and stop the spread of the Covid 19 Virus.
These are the committee's recommendations which we will be putting into action.

  1. Branch Club nights will be cancelled until further notice.
  2. Social gatherings such as area dinners and coffee, cakes and conversation will also be cancelled
  3. Rides will continue for now at the discretion of the RIC and runs co-ordinator. This will be reviewed regularly.

It is of utmost importance that participants comply with safe practice guidelines. Please read the guidelines in the runs sheet and also check the facebook page. Information will be available there shortly
In summary here are some of the proposed changes to the Runs procedure
If you are not feeling 100% please do not come
Keep your personal distance from others at all times
No runs money will be collected by the RIC
If you need extra detail as to what is happening and it is not on the website please ring the RIC.
It is recommended that you bring your own lunch etc to a ride to minimise close contact etc.
At this time we need to be looking out for the welfare of our members. As a committee we will be discussing what could be done to help one another if this virus takes a hold on our country.
Keep our Welfare officers informed if you have any needs or just want to chat to someone!
Sandy Senk 0272332236  or 098346869 for City and West
and Lou Waller 0212696601 for South. 
In these times it is important to keep in touch so  if you have anything for the news letter please forward it on to Raewyn at
Best Wishes
Craig Moodie #8602
Auckland Branch President
Ulysses Club  (NZ) Inc
ph 021797487