About Us

Where does the name "Ulysses" come from?

The name originates from a poem of the same title by Alfred Lord Tennyson. It tells how the great Greek hero Odysseus (Latin – Ulysses), now middle-aged and securely in charge of his kingdom of Ithaca, becomes bored, and longs to go adventuring with his shipmates of old. It describes well the type of person who still has enough spark to continue riding into middle, even later years.

Origins and Scope

The club was established in Australia in 1983. A number of New Zealanders at first joined through Australia. As the New Zealand numbers grew a branch was formed here to look after the club.

The Ulysses Club of New Zealand Incorporated was formed in 1988 with a National Committee, and a membership of 360 by the end of that year. An Auckland branch was formed shortly afterwards. As of December 2018 national membership is about 2500, with twenty-eight branches arranging regional activities.


The club is for people 40 years or older with an interest in motorcycling. The detailed aims and objectives can be found in our Rule Book, but the broad aims are:

  • To provide ways in which older motorcyclists can get together for companionship and mutual support.
  • To show by example that motorcycling can be an enjoyable and practical activity for riders of all ages.
  • To draw the attention of public and private institutions to the needs and views of older riders.

Who we are and what we do

The Auckland branch of The Ulysses Club of NZ Inc. covers the area North to the northern shore of the Waitemata Harbour from Devonport to Limeburners Bay (West of Hobsonville) and through to Hobsonville Road, South to Mercer, East to Maungatawhiri and to the coast at Kaiaua.  

A locally elected committee manages the branch (under Charter to the club) which is one of the largest New Zealand branches with just over 270 members in December 2018.

We are a Social Club for people who have an interest in motorcycling. We welcome anyone wishing to join who is over 40 years old and who holds a motorcycle licence. Our rules allow exceptions in special cases.

Group rides are organised by our Runs Coordinator for Tuesdays, some Saturdays, and most Sundays, with overnight runs arranged occasionally. They are led by a Rider in Charge (RIC) and followed by a Tail End Charlie (TEC), both of whom are experienced motorcyclists, usually recruited by the Runs Coordinator.

Social events also occur on a regular basis with special events arranged occasionally.

Branch night is the main event held on the first Wednesday of every month except January at the Manukau Cruising Club Rooms, Orpheus Place, Onehunga.  There are good meals for a very reasonable cost, lots of good conversation, and raffles with an assortment of prizes. At roughly 7:30pm there are general Club announcements and entertainment from our President and Sheriff. Bringing the bike is optional, checking out the bikes in the car park is common (almost compulsory).

Smaller monthly social events such as Coffee, Cakes & Conversation and Dinner Evenings are arranged at various locations.

Two major events are organised each year by our committee:

The North Island Remembrance service is held on the second Saturday of each August in Taupo.

Our Auckland Branch Rally is held in November to avoid clashing with the chaos that is the Christmas season. This is a relaxed, worry-free weekend of socialising.

Nearby branches

North Harbour branch is immediately to the north of us. It's common for some of our members to join their rides, and sometimes we hold joint rides.

Waikato branch is to the south, and Waihi-Thames Valley branch is to the south-east. Websites of other branches can be found on the national website.

How do I join?

See the Contact Us page.