Club Night Social - Movie and Roast Dinner

Saturday 24 September 2022
05:30 PM - 09:30 PM
This is open to all Ulysses Auckland & North Harbour members, family and friends. We have organised a dinner and a movie night at JC Ryders Cinema (was Westwind Cinema). 5.30pm arrival - 9.30pm departure PLACE: Ryders Cinema & Restaurant, 177 Riversdale Road, Avondale COST: $35.00 PER PERSON WHAT TO BRING: Your own beverages and movie treats. Please pay by direct credit into the Ulysses Auckland branch account with MOVIE and your NAME as the reference: 03-0296-0046891-000 or pay cash at club night to Sheryl. The dinner consists of: Beef and Chicken. Optional Extra available • Tea/Coffee - $2 per person So let Sheryl know how many seats you want for you &/or your group as once they're taken that's it. BOOKINGS MUST BE IN BY CLUB NIGHT 5th SEPTEMBER. See you there Sheryl 021 675 328

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